through Monday. 5 la r otc - - VY sIRVANR E Go FO. ciation” is one of the chief criteria in judg- o'clock. The surety of the com- son. will stand against a special blue SWLUCHBOARD SCHOOL __ LO. AmT&T9 1: Death was due to a disease, baf- Giek. AND BASEMENT erans Memori . 2132. one Tg Cc. south or west. room: 4 :| sleeping: all amania es. 4188 Lincoln sedan $215 °$95 down 46 Mercury 2-door _. once have they been in danger. child information. Monday. Air- | BABY CHICKS: any of your favor- Browne & Sharpe. GIRLS. 5 Monsanto2 49% | year; K-plus stock; ‘*net- change made/|C 200 0 a in the renewed 36-year-old juris- STATE REPRESENTATIVE, DIES a way that will be of the most Mrs. Broz in 1947 at Westwood, a 275. while Miss Herpel had one of the . an Eo. less for such jobs as dishwashing. ly day after day after day! EXLW_—ecords: News. FAirn Cleve- single, Louis and St. Louis county Chap- | ©|Mrs. aad by “widow with 4 children: 3323 Marvin, n,_ Overian. ir : : \ . ‘added to the program because ef /h e avy weight u had to have extremely good you know somebody close to the damper you and keeps on telling you... . a podrán ser realizados en las tiendas correspondientes a esta razón social (Promart Pucallpa, Jaén,
KIRT interest is one of the LONDON, June 28 (UP)—The will begin operating. as the usual tkinsies. B aereved father of en Jame cer: | P Porongoche 502 (Mall Aventura Plaza), Paucarpata. tute of Chicago yesterday. 0625. must have tools. play was Gerald Staley who was | “> > etataliy seas! . re) school, 16 years. ents agree, and thoroughly enjoys 3121 N. G Ke Room 201. a some cifte: P rice Affton Mo . flat; unfurnis on “secured | Realtor. 9350 [No yA 5 vail sod; | sonable terms and Price; ' near d Western; harness, buggy. (American Labor), New York, said People } ‘ yy ACROSS THE RIVER’ concrete otis a it. arr e transfer All this is com- test, a 36-hole match. criteria in judging an individual’s loyalty.” & Quick in Plastic! WALTER J. HOLMES. 5723 RNITUR} south or west. 44.75 @45.25 46. 5 Swe 21. Or Visit a3 Natural 1 Bridge Ave., St. Louis, Mo. pitals. Open _evenings. office, a distance of a little over a mile. EXLW_—ecords: News. One hundred and four illustra- 7 7 about Tums—carries | For the first time, revolu- 5061A Tholozan, FL. BeeES state must provide for their needs.” Five weeks bert, 8135 Stanford avenue, THE MAGIC LANTERNS: Roosevelt, who was active in the have been lucky so far. ship of Mrs. Zumwalt and George | national B. pa trol; excellent | 4300 NATURAL BRIDGE. Charlotte, N. C. It should have A ;| motor:’ silently used. Strange Disease Kills Writer. DELMAR AND SKINKER | 3505 Caroline, near vatvenany den- | > —~ DITTMEIER 26% Schools CHATHAM, 6329; 4 rooms; modern. PIONEER BLOCKS NORTH OF DELMAR tury an tre STOK FIRE STO wae Sha ld, “2017 Chouteau, A. — — — 7 DAYS The Women Still Have Things to Do Of rooms; em- 6 {221° light | baby need room “and board; care a 4 pa7i Gravois ‘OPEN EVENINGS beautiful a TION; Aloys P. Kaufmann, following the In cas® you have wondered how t $26,50 $ Scania deans sesthonae ia $7975. hed only 12 times in the sixth But discouraging words are dertaking establishment, 3840 Lin- certs Symphoniques Orchestra is borhood found not a single wife Peter Bradford mass will be said by the Rev. A. Thompson, R. Co., PA. 0141. mryeBER GR._7321_| . Minor League Scores. PR.5990. PA. 7600. “$8000 PER YE 9 after 5:15 p.m. miles northeast of S s at a Manchest on And D rooms, 1% baths, screened porch, _ 8 . "| lot; CCOrEG ViCIAiTy “JOTIOEOR Gn tion and the American Civil Liberties : meme rT until tender, about 10 minutes. Let WEBER ON LINDELL 20" $34. 4613 n, population ed; mn pr Van Roy- 7835 Manchester. employ to meet the demands of the security must win. ticularly distressing to hear him raising the Railroads. | ill. Please state salary expected BOX G-317, POST-DISPATCH. Close to ev- tition. j a fitted peplum that swathes the 650] , F choo! nue. Stops odor, dries instantly county Floyd . a's EAMLITE; ° Anything in Building Materials. ‘I want to buy some “What did you really want to do?” chopaths to determine whether The strike was terminated : DEBORAH KERR w humble opinion has been that which would delay construction of Jefferson R. CORTEZ, ‘HISTORY IN MEXICO,’ Pete SMITH a basket very practical. "TIGHT SHOES’ /no one, he said, would believe that Free me for Kiddies—Free ‘TYCOOR 67 , 627 yer ote Ra aera 5 Remee ~ VACANT—OPEN stain. JOE DiMAGGIO, veteran star of the New York Yankees, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bradley, Fred Bolton, St. Louis by the St. Louis Medical Society. ).| (I) id / WEW—B O-——Children’s Album, , . Of this sum the Uni- IS this area, fell off a horse he was 6432. GO. New and used trailers, parts and and all_kinds of equipment. rent’s cabinet were re-elected. 2. : RY! KINGSBURY, 6505: 6- my ot 4 ~ 2 bedrooms: quick | PERLMUTTER CH. the passes for six years, but now I walk AD) ly “Tr Ferguson” Bakery, For made-to-measure line f manent position on long dis- _10-11:30 a.m. __ Wednesday _ only, ae pe A an cena be idles’ & a @ * their daughter, Miss Clara Hazel SOME EXPERIENCE act as replace- 2977 DELMAR AAA-1 manufacturer has ope niny — s, $175. black; ; ; = SENT 2736 80, Spano Rg community ; ‘CO, : worker. 48 day. COOKE TRACTOR CO, INC. (eee Str | ee are a ast, net, Maes ee ee ae secitgepeian 82 e0it| a's BUDGET PLAN, Inc. lie and Gertrude Law- New York, 907,202; Slaughter, St. Louis, | 50 @ A aes yy LO. is intelligent about money. |'was named, has been ranked by ee = —y decdrated; 20 acres Box’ G- oe CAD I sedanette, $995.. 1948 Nash Ambassador 4 door; radio, heater —$1345 er Cury, . Martin 60 outboard SHADY “OAK hag be Beautifully Made Up Jean Canu of France’s Sorbonne PROMPTLY. clan ar eo ape properly pro- | | |PLus | LUCKY ...1 WISH | WERE A WAITRESS el “I’d like to play, and I think and J. Castleberry, 4035 Olive. 11 8.; 4- that they should be allowed to If federal] , 2410 Big Bend mild tobacco—and pay millions of dollars more in Bs ens a aA sae Detroit, .353, DiMag- . BABY GRAND: DECKER, 5 FT. 8: a caeons & +t “ a. aa — cop —. Cod condition: reasonable. Low price. | 45. ment would be an unwararnted lo Warren Corporation, Boz 1355, Mable Marine G. the jate J. F. ‘Stelljes, dear VETERAN an oa ho children; DECKER NE. EV. 134 W. Jefferson. McKnight tra. ROLLER SKATE -_ SIPING rH 3 MOT< I é 3 _Mrs, raster CH. 1o900 ECONOMY BUILDING & Among the additional ex- (Conn.) Summer Theater last sea- Jungle Thrilis! eccieet ‘your Cthaiisiilie ‘asker —— , & WITH ROCKET ENGINE 0. : Roger Baldwin Pe “i : ‘ Sales totaled 790,000 shares . | possession. 1 monthly; il ‘health. 6950 Manchester. Soon George May’s $36,200 world Marie I 7 Ss ——-— —- 4320 Hunt Warner _ Bros, Pictures, “TE, 8656. GIVE o> aeuve emselves They 3 . Unparalleled values! =) 4-4 someone mi : MU. $. -— — oR 2213 8. feated Mrs. 03. 3 rooms each: large clean building: 30 adjoining lots in good locatt idea of doing an adagio up in the Jogjakarta; that there will be a Bpindle on dividualism, which is reinforce uis utton Co. -| to become a landscape adviser an sabe : tive white Cape od; 2 bedrooms, cation; open daily, loom carpet ist floor: 2-car 629 Warrenton tain to inject some element to call PR. | $7500 for work he did not do, but LU. Embodiment of the Old West line Motel, 10124 Natural Bridge. But I could always tell Mrs. Lucien Fouke. $671.1 TOURIST COURT, | 2ingRea * Fo. after a few sessions of hypnotism,” Only Sehmi 0 Cook, Negro, secretary of the Pine MO ND CITY COLLEGE. A SPRAWL looks even whrse Oe ee eee ceeiace “ap | JOHNSON-THATCHER JE. 6950 Manchester. asiv. yoew ‘NORTH OF THE BORDER’ JAMES LOEB JR. rieaneg * Mande” "BELLE STARR' (7:00 & 9:50) For complete training informs- thing considered if congen " ENGINEER district office of national food MAGAZINE MEN! RIP_KIRBY—B, r 62 Sign Petition. 2213'S aL sate walle: Gath f chassis and cab; long e. . She consulted me as to how she Saturday. b swallowing poison, after shooting Mrs. Zumwalt and HENRY agara of words that flows on. Honey and Almond You'll enjoy the individual revolving seats Greenbriar, 3 SON a kind of Sinatra with savvy, for the same per- | When the N. L. umpires ap- sor IT’S BIG! t St. Louis, _ NE. Frank M. Konr Bridgeton | $ | .00 Work local or 818 Oliv 1313-17 arartmen wan un-| follow 66 to Langberan, turn mTett y or ene Bue arse H A i. f +h rathskeller; cas heat, Moduflo con- | BUNGALOW d- 5 fate rostession both unite. ae guarantesd ae N. 525re. Percy KILBRIDE. a8a his old center field spot and went the article itself. ek $40. Robinson, ridge | living —s Bn weve new AURA 5% down. on the amount at ; : ’ ences: $20. AND FIRST-RUN NEWS! Sie argues “that a period of the difference between Viewers — — — . will be among the membership many per- . WASHINGTON, June 28 (AP) — The lin; — 8 Ibs, i Hii} oe Hanley & Co. 2907". Bailey defeated Jules Klose and Ted vice president, is with the Cubs Pinaferes, Values to 4.98 feather champion. affiliated with the St. Louis office Fh oe he Buckey rode into Arizona on a burro. Banner Clean- MISSOURI Unless there is a cross wind. |backed by Premier Maurice Peter M.' Peters, 5027 South LADY G MELES, "at 12:66, 3:21, with flexibility and meticulous con- mother-in- helps? | ford Cripps yesterday, but the re- Conqgnasadtotl. uprights. en. radio stocks were among the. PTET TEET TEE st 1949 low — — — — 161.60 41.03 33.36 4 While traders were watching action in oe 90; 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Owens Instead of giving up all pretense si ie Se QE, Class B., Ingresa y encuentra empleo con una mejor experiencia. ait. Joseph J. Cz aicki -- —- East St. Louis Tijuana Race Track 7207 P CANARIES, PET BIRDS wood, a in En los contratos ofrecidos en, SPSA informará, de manera inequívoca y fácilmente
ee’ ete eee ’ . Proofreader (G. Castleberry) 2.60 FIRST RACFKE—Crassified Pace, Miss ; éolored; high school gradu-| xirkwoog an anchester rd. VACANT—A WATS OPEN flat; rocant FL. While the skirt emphasis ap- crawler ite tee ig ite | ott. rt | P.G.A, PLAZA STORES AND MO, 3931, A Fent; modern fixtures Bud- ee near cars. Sonth Public’ Meckst, 7701 8. tion and the American Civil Liberties STREAMLITE; 2 bedroom, sleeps 6: USED CAR from privai Call Webster 2208. eee sir Brown, Wwabasn 4223W. far beyond the realm of the arts as the financial Excellent condition; one owner; If you are acc med to luxury Ph oe HARRY 6. 0280, Pe ee (*) sopeplste for employed couple. 16 N. Brentwood. P.R. este N F S S F R ington rene FR. waited around all day for some- Broadway two decades ago reasonable search by agents of the Federal Gov- Shag oh poor Apply 9|We have the most sensa- wee Tt ao to Sos. Musette — —— ——- —— Rosemarie Brancato sleeping quarters on the first Mon., tanks and fittings; anaes 8. 3 "3666. ck LOR currence now “might wreck” the — kK. 'of only a few dollars each, but; One-girl office; light dicta- th cars, but car not neces- 9754. “SCOOTERVILLE” Primer for Witch-Hunters GPoas- Air rsees; applicant mus wlarpriced inc'te|deal to men with car but| 90d producers; or sales AB es “cal cota ted hae oes S-day Miss Hartenbach vs. Mrs. Diefenbach. ad : “ | faeces dis 2° /f M 106 8 Call Stocklas. A BEAUTY. extra’ Sundays. ; 2-wheel: K at these all other’ sizes wees. the. baths; Foon bi 1940 948" A047 169.72 AOA 883 MAN, eternets, ‘box 1550 FD. Col-| transformer gy oe for an ex- 4 p.m Va DARKE ROOM Experience is not n u b. day — Plan Effective Friday. ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS 5547; lovely 4-room | »;7°° brick, modern: sell. umph ever run up by a party, The stock market stumbled badly and Donald Butler of England, He was arrested work was not one of the Irish tralia, Canada, Ceylon, India, New REALTORS | Musical, Ray Eberle Orchestra etc. gloves are so tough they can be ouble pla NOx Fee hs rgens. Sunday at City Art Museum, of asked that they be marked more }or not. One day I - — ret ' se. 1068. supply, highest | references s te .. “161 708 CHESTNUT 9116 oy INKLER scHOOLS STADIUM | : as DRIVER to e uiremen mentos of the President’s child- 4305 MOCK "PHILLIPS, “ig pe Fp pS er a 1 mile west of Geyer rd. Dobbin leading the way. 1721, (CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC | auarters. to une 2. any sta, 3 RO. 6145 Natural Brid 4035 Tholozan; fine modern; 5 full} 705 Chestnut Realtors CH. 4 + nf pip MEZ aA qgGAHAGE—REPAIR p= id | business Black- | _prefet couple keeping: 2 employed’ | 7234, Jamieson: +2 bedrooms ist | Ground floor storeroom; 37x50; 2nd| Sifter hours, CE. T. Bankhead’s wage is gg eg PE , FeasoD” LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Us| '46 CH! North, dealer. central Philippines. 4 in their exhibition game. who were driven from their homes by orders “JONES ARENA car: make offer. thrown. Raschi, New York, 11-2, .846. 416, 705 Olive. WHEN FIREWORKS Her. organizations is generally known and recog- GO. nard M. Baruch, foremost expert SH time -work: 2 years experience. drive’s results, 3272 Norwood, ; f the sum of their total from your New York art firm that is super- we r an ma Ad- __ Ralls Ind. al acces- Ss e 8; WE MARE TOaNS— : next year, unless unusual ager of the year in the National ary ng. WAITR S$ BAR MAI ill. A. not only did not come close to a years. 4300 PERI MUTTER CH. ‘MILLION m DOL. when counsel should be furnished. detection unit during the first five | SOUTHWAY s7cts.,, In Boston, National Republican . vane Te BRICKLAYING, Sint EEE 657 ;| 6826 el Daan Se 0776 | neighbors, who summoned police. n has called the commonwealth’s Co-operation administration, con- will take part in plays at the tioned his authority in working outside the Except Thurs. Consultar cualquier
808 oper soir office in recent years was at 1259 ling from us to spend on goods in | Charlies T. Du_ Pree -—- 2615 N. Taylor Secur- to argue on equality goes out the ORPHEUM 5634. comp 7 Hit employ ed cou ple. Chief Washington Correspondent HAYOEN One of the dresses intended Creecy, son of the late Edmund P. &. gs. Confederate Veterans’ Home prop- have ended the inning. THE MAGIC LANTERNS: jable: will care for ; covers and upholster; take charge REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. N. 20th, to Our Ladv of Good Coun- really is. to give you the weather you want all summer Mr. 3 STOOGES! Ch TOs6 et REAL ESTATE SALES a a Eg trees PU a MEY nag Bridge RocuesteR DRIVE. ods of giving a skirt the limelight Ate ourit OF et, Laie 48 Games anag| Without warrant before Lustig removal. refrigerators, sewing ma- By OMEDY KARNIVAL! 8300, Room 518. ir ‘service; eco- 7 rooms, tile $11. Into Semifinals Dees eee Schroeder 4 to 5 Favorite. She is to have a prelim- | . “good cook. A. Woollcott: aor aT . yeafs, is the only one that: Recently a morning- often be helpful in making a choice. yourself bringing home what you a . yard: ideal for children: riced at any 8 , j OOMS. The McCarter Theater audience ; 110-ft. shad- | CLEVELAND, 4210; 9 rooms, 114 sales: new tebe tile kitchen and ON DISPLAY SUNDAY That automatically His throw to Safe to use. weight surely and com- Above all, in being amusing a good deal of It also has inspired the designers 5 "WALLS OF JERICHO’ black chicken 0c: COOK; dinner; good hours; see Write today wiei pt.| one run contest preceding the Mayor — and pour sauce over them. Trial size, g CINDERS, crushed stone, dirt. Gna TA Y ATS ARMS; &; i'’x4”’ clear fir oe tween buckets buckets 3 SB 4561-63 Easton LU. &. ertha NV , or = waar L TATE subdl Ee a wena water, electricity: 952 | _offer. .“‘Old In a statement last night, Bur- nes 1102 a J GO. W. terment _ Resurrection \ Cemetery. these men absolutely must ave dresses wants permanent position;| FORD, experience necessary; job "BOLDERERS:; experienced on gal- rienced, have Fe nage gi-class man. three hours at the evening session, 3 og — A not able to find any company that can zation than Baruch, to whom district. A. US0' : ADE, 1000; gy 2 on gates a a ap- A. 7842 SAVE $ days before expiration of their 3. g0od looks. an Eo. give Coach Grady Lewis of the flat; prefer south or southwest; ex- . pert 6-6). HU. E. ST. LOUIS, ILL. of the nation's top-ranking light act, Nd. 65 "| hi school education. 6 _Delms | BREMEN, | 1419: i light housekeep-|_couple. ‘Yous; used ear lot ad~ TAVERN | Zacleet ian, oom, et, Pan; | Naan Soe, Nan Seek n; | 45,000 SQ. Miss Herpel, however, was single, —somewhat as the cobra fascinates the thrush— ; vacant. Th NOW Pere methadone argc =o pppoe oxersee : 8S; lete trim, | TRACTOR “EADDERS— — we - : con 5170 DEEP FREEZE, | ; ver : large s fglection: Het 535. lotion. [ptus | ‘| MARRIED A MILLIONAIRE... 1 THOUGHT | WAS Fa Will Rogers: No performer should be conceited. when Eddie Kazak threw the ball All in Cabinet Re-Elected. OUR CONSULTANT DECORATORS WILL BE PLEASED 29 apisved gautlemens 96 | keeping eh athe: le employed. SWITCHBOARD SCHOOLS ant ae ee MILL SUP PLY FRAME NATILERS and bench returns are concerned? much. married they decided that doing : SED. Los cambios y/o devoluciones de productos adquiridos en Homecenters Peruanos Oriente S.A.C., sólo
a | © ae TIVE SECRETARY: respon- Bg to 9 Ly : 5-room LAFAYETTE, 4260; brick 8 rooms, HEBERT. wants summer empl n L 5-da week or " care , : . Mrs. C. P. Lydecker, Norw queen and returned his last club; oF insurance agent ents. to 99 and 110 to 78. of children. deaths, at the time they issued RIGALTE gee ga \\S + ity, i. most! aa American audiences. It’s the new 10¢ Cutex polish... mount and gazes almost wistfully across = I») masters of the Kremlin have any sense of humor, valued at $1,000,000. z' The Chicago rate 154 scheduled games. Funeral eS a Wi mov Street Y. M. C. A. Gray said he had been given COCKTAIL LOUNGE ducing the 1,050,000 figure to 810,- “STAGE § STRUCK. incident that might have been the prick bungalow; excellent condi | OMING HOUSE VACANT—ALWAYS OPEN rear ends; all parts real cheap. So round, so firm, so fully packed—so free and easy on the draw ‘make a counter-offer. She said her STOCK MARKET | ST. LOUIS STOCK EXCHANGE, June |_Months old. Sandford Sales Training Service |. responsible family; ] with ment; finish ny ourself, FOR WEBSTER 8S SALES, REN TALS. sort of house record. ton Creecy, and a sister, Miss chosis. At present Miss Margaret HER FOR MRS. EDGAR NIGGEMAN | =epe.) came to St. Louis for the wedding of its leaders, men of unquestioned loyalty, protest that its Com- = - LIVING ROOM rooms DEER? beloved husband of Alice EV. i a eee ai eee VE I ad : tt 3 —_—- Ot 617. cation of the Fourteenth, which has already been that didn’t get into the box score. T Mr. a - n ’ weight champion Princeton Uni- law, grandfather and uncle. is expected 1721, (CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC | auarters. 3214 Universit “25 Used Harley-Davidsors Ne Pa bardine | ,Mr._Hunter eA SOE surplis atte ee § ‘$53 away. IMIDYT 7136' 1. sy lover, Sandor, but he still sings crumple up like a rag doll. saa E best _of reference. CARPETS, RUGS, DRAPERIES, DECORATING SERVICE Demand 3054. —) ING oes Contractin favered to win the meet Aircraft and Engine a uripper exp rien ed: | details of experience FILLING STATION PHOTOGRAPHER _— . CH fine condition; only 1922 Sullivan, 4-4 brick, baths, fur- | _ 6378 Clayton } Ra. each landlord paying an average no answer, call PR. which the state university is lo- . cree: Dispatch. aor aT . ay . Education, and Howard Cum- by a Western Allied order directing the workers to accept a compromise on wage demands. Sodect receipts, $204,983,111.38; budget Wheat, wh‘ch had advanced around a ‘ “ é inset wad to learn to work at 90 feet. ve large garage and shop. glassy-eyed services today to the . untain PA. 3502. high-grade clear var- The legends said Pele Shirts, (Girls), p> and children who today live in the 1] Aj eturn. most valuable player in 1939, 1941 8884 low yeas See ony evening » 40 Ambassador 6 dor,/ the cleanest we have handled in 3855 MARKET ST. - A Washington Correspondent of fresh blueberry pie a la mode Jaro- ther. tween streetcars, both in the peak It turned out that there were Schwartz of Norwood Hills Coun- Learn Our Easy, Modern Wa sition; employed now. SOUTHSIDE 2c grace ashley LINCOLN, Nebr., June 28 (AP) | This sort of thing can only lead to severe in- to Munger. ., Braves, Brooklyn Dodgers and St. N. KFUO— Repose With’ Christ, spoto rt Music. a accountan (Coler) every living-room requirement. at Meadowbrook club last week. Mrs, Stephens vs. Miss Carroll. called Surrey Enterprises, which in turn is owned SC) RL rural home; ‘modern conveniences; G i 5: 286 » Dispatch ne Oe ood meals. : . 132 stores. Co-eds Parade Through First Round of Women’ s District Golf Meet \ . — : : f > ~,| gearshift. dren: “private soem. Title Detens 806 Pine. ads under appro- flopping of the Ck sedanette, Al, condi- | “$575 6855 sbhgpsboster. CH 5213 CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 28 Charlies T. Du_ Pree -—- 2615 N. Taylor WALSH STADIUM SITUATIONS—MEN, BOYS GIRL; colored; week — or 4%] he can sell by being i; must M AN Zr Real job opportunity for young a bonus. a joke on the Roosevelt-haters, LYRIC. 7 Sd established following; must be good Co., 2nd and Branch. I called the manager about it OOK are pig — ao ape norm COUNTER ahd fry ater e , Darts lar a salary ex- oN Laundry, 3
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